Welcome to RIDE!

We are a community of dedication, respect, and positivity.

Our mission is to empower you to achieve your goals and enjoy every moment of the journey.

To ensure an enjoyable experience for all, we've established these RIDE Community Guidelines that we ask you all to follow


Respect Each Other:

In the RIDE community, respect is our cornerstone. Be considerate and kind to fellow riders, instructors, and staff. Treat others as you'd like to be treated.

Arrive Early:

Please arrive at least 7 minutes before the class begins. This allows time for check-in, setting up your bike, and preparing yourself for an exceptional RIDE experience. Once the door is closed, we will not allow riders in to class late.

Silence Your Devices:

Prior to entering the studio, silence your phone / put your apple watch on theater mode and avoid using them during class. 

Stay Committed:

Once you enter the studio, commit to the RIDE. Stay until the end, and avoid leaving the class early. This not only supports your fellow riders but ensures you get the full benefit of your workout.

Quiet in the Studio:

During class, please limit your conversation to before and after class. Others are here to focus and achieve their fitness goals.

Support and Encourage:

RIDE is a place where we uplift each other. Give a thumbs-up, a smile, or a word of encouragement to your fellow riders. We're all in this together.

Clean Up After Yourself:

After class, return any borrowed equipment to its proper place and dispose of any waste in the provided bins.

By adhering to these RIDE Community Guidelines, you are helping us create a positive, empowering, and enjoyable environment for all. We look forward to having you as a part of our vibrant RIDE community!